感謝主!這是很美好的回憶 ~ ”愛是…“ 西洋書法水彩展覽2017的報導。
感謝 基督教今日報 的文章,感謝 了了 Liaotistic,感謝鼓勵我舉辦展覽的好朋友,也要感謝自己,勇敢地回應 神。
Thank you Lord for this beautiful report of "Love is..." Watercolor Lettering Exhibition 2017, written by Christian Daily HK. Thank you for all you support and encouragement. And I would like to say thank you to myself for taking the action to respond to God's calling bravely and immediately.
報導網頁版 I Webpage version: http://www.cdn.org.tw/News.aspx?key=12887
手機版I Mobile version: http://www.cdn.org.tw/m/New_Info.aspx?C1ID=17&C2ID=1703&ID=12887